New Year Joys

Well, here I am 18 days into 2013, and while I've already had some ups and downs, on the whole, this year is going pretty freaking well.

I started at BCIT (one class, don't panic), and I'm at total loss for what I want to do. Essentials of Marketing is a staple for many BCIT programs, and I've been told declaring a program bumps you up on the list when registering for classes, but tying myself to one thing right now seems like the worst thing I could possibly do!

Maybe I'm being overly dramatic, but Nobody puts Baby in a Corner! (too much?)

Moving on.

I'm looking forward to a lot of things in 2013. I'm not the type to make resolutions, as I never understood the rational behind changing your life on one particular day. If I'm going to change something in my life, I just should.
None of this:
     "At exactly 12 Midnight, I will - be a better person - drink no more - lose weight- kill less puppies - watch what I eat"

February 11 - Celebrating one year with pretty fucking awesomesauce boyfriend  I really am quite a fan of him, and have decided to keep him. I must apologise to all the women in the world who are looking for an 'awesomesuace boyfriend'. I have taken one off the market. Go find your own!

March 17 - 5K Fun Run, For St. Patty's day. Run - Run - Run - Eat Lucky Charms - Drink beer. Our team name: Fiddle Dee Dee My Potatoes, said in my patented Munchkin voice. [Edit, I can't actually run in this, becasue it's actually on March 16th, and I have to work, but the team name continues, and I'm buying the team some green hair spray]

April 20/21- Fan Expo in Vancouver. I decided on my costume, now to make it. I am SERIOUSLY looking forward to it, but researching and making a hoop skirt, and getting just the right shape of skirt is going to interesting.

June - My 26th birthday. Okay so it's not a noteworthy birthday, but birthdays are fun despite, and I hope I never dread growing 'another year older'. Possibly a trip after that up to the lovely but small Kaslo, BC to visit a friend on her Rural practicum for [essentially] teachers College.

July-ish - My Annual trip up to my uncles cabin on the shorelines of Adams Lake. Oh, a week with nothing to do, nowhere to be, sunshine and drinks, boating and hiking, waterfalls and swimming, and endless Ceasers.... *sigh* if I must.

September - Start more course at BCIT, and slowly Take Over the WORLD!

October - My second Halloween at my work (this Costume Shop). I will be much more prepared this year (hopefully), enough to enjoy myself a little too. I may even reuse my hoop skirt somehow

That pretty much beings it full circle for 2013, and I hope to go to the same or equally fantastic New Years party to ring in 2014. Every year in another year I want to live, love, and laugh my way through  and I for one am looking forward to all the planned events, as well as those adventure that blind side me and keep me on my toes.

Happy 2013 everyone.

Next blog Post, making that freaking costume...

          designing a life that's more
                    Anna Felicity