My illustration instructor once said all my ‘girls’ looked angry, and then speculated on my emotions while drawing them. She quickly moved on to critique (read: criticize) another students work, but I was left wondering if maybe she was on to something.
It’s no secret that illustration class hasn’t been my favourite subject, and I do always seem to be pissed off by the time I get to my sketchbook, but about a week ago, something finally clicked.
I felt like I had been floundering, or at the very least reached a plateau with my work, but just as I was becoming complacent with skill level, I started drawing and looking down at the page, I realized I had gotten a little better.
I'm not expecting my work to improve over night, but the little changes in my style and form really encourage me!
So what was this sketch that I was working on that changed how I thought about my skills? It was an anime drawing. I was actually coping a picture on of my classmates had printed off and to my surprise and the interest of some of my classmates, I was copying it pretty well!
My sketch of the Anime face.
Illustration doesn’t seem to piss me off as much anymore, and I’m finding more of a niche in the animated side of the drawings, but I still think they look pissed-off (but that may be more because as models they haven’t eaten in days, and not necessarily anything that’s coming from my hand...)
With that I present my most recent a project:
Pastiche /pæˈstiʃ, pɑ-/ or [pa-steesh]
1. a literary, musical, or artistic piece consisting wholly or chiefly of motifs or techniques borrowed from one or more sources.
2. an incongruous combination of materials, forms, motifs, etc., taken from different sources; hodgepodge.
My Illustrator of Inspiration: Igor Lukyanov
The Originals
My attempt at copying them
An angry/scheming woman
A sad woman